DOI: 10.17190/AMF/1717859

AmeriFlux BASE US-PFL SW2 Aspen-3 CHEESEHEAD 2019

Dataset Creator(s)

Name Ankur Desai
Affiliation University of Wisconsin-Madison
Name Brian Butterworth
Affiliation University of Wisconsin-Madison
Name Steven Oncley
Affiliation National Center for Atmospheric Research

Dataset Description

This is the AmeriFlux version of the carbon flux data for the site US-PFL SW2 Aspen-3 CHEESEHEAD 2019. Site Description - This tower (25m Rohn) is located in the southwestern quadrant of the 10 x 10km study domain. It is located in an aspen forest (canopy height: 15 - 19.2 m).

Dataset Information

Originating Research Organization(s)

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Country USA
Sponsor Organization(s)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

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Data Policy AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 License
Citation Ankur Desai, Brian Butterworth, Steven Oncley (2020), AmeriFlux BASE US-PFL SW2 Aspen-3 CHEESEHEAD 2019, Ver. 1-5, AmeriFlux AMP, (Dataset).
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